Legal notice of the web domain property of EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L., VAT no. B-74409061: Trade Registration no. for the Principality of Asturias (Spain): Tomo 4197, Libro 0, Folio 92, Hoja As-49760, Inscripción 1, Business and Touristic Activity registration no. for the Principality of Asturias R-3289, tax residence Plaza Daoíz Y Velarde Nº 1, 33.009 Oviedo (Asturias, Spain) and email address
General conditions of use
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. informs users that access to and use of the website, as well as all URL’s, sub-domains and directories included within said website,are subject to the terms and conditions detailed in this Legal Notice, as are all services and contents which can be accessed from this website. Access to any of the aforementioned contents or services may therefore require acceptance of certain general, specific or additional conditions.
Consequently, if the user is not in agreement with the considerations set out in this Legal Notice, they are asked not to use this website.Any use made of it or of its services and content automatically implies acceptance of the legal terms detailed in this Legal Notice.
Given the very nature of the internet, which allows this website to be accessed from any part of the world, the contents as well as the services generally offered by EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. are directed to clients operating in any country. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon requesting any form of service or contents offered, users should note that EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. reserve the right to reject the delivery of services and contents in such cases where it deems fit.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. reserve the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to update, correct, modify, add, cancel or delete contents or web design. The services and contents of the website are periodically updated and given that updates to information are not always immediate, users are advised to always check the validity and accuracy of the information, services and contents set out here.
As the terms and conditions of use outlined in the present Legal Notice are subject to change, it is recommended that you revise these terms when re-visiting the website or requesting a new service. Additionally, the present Legal Noticeis understood to be without prejudice of any other General Conditions, as well as Specific Conditions, which regulate access to goods and services within the website.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
The design of this website, as well as its source codes, trademarks, images, music, logos, and other hallmarks which appear on it, are property of their respective creators and are protected by corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.
The use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, or transformation ofthe aforementioned (or any similar act) is completely prohibited, except in cases where express written permission has been given by the creator or rights holder.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. hereby declares its adherence to third party intellectual and industrial property rights; if you deem that this website is in violation of these rights, you are kindly requested to inform EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. by filling in the form found on
Links or hyperlinks
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. provides or may provide links to other webpages which it considers to be of interest, on the website. The objective of these links isto facilitate online searches for resources which users may find interesting. However, as these webpages are not the property of EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. and their content is not subject to revision, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. shall not be held liable for the content or functionality of the webpages linked or for possible damage incurred from their use. Furthermore, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. fully adhere to intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to or which may pertain to third parties, on the aforementioned websites.If you deem that this website is in violation of these rights, you are kindly requested to inform EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. by filling in the form found on
The linking of webpages or email addresses to the website, with the exception of those explicitly stated otherwise by EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L., is generally authorised. For this authorisation to be considered applicable, links must respect the following condition: links uploaded must not in any way be involved in an agreement, contract, sponsorship or recommendation on the part of EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. and the webpage linked.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. may, at any moment, withdraw the authorisation mentioned in the previous paragraph without being required to provide any reason. In such cases, the page which has created the link must suspend it immediately upon receiving notification of the withdrawal of permission from EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. expressly prohibits the execution of ‘framings’ or third party use of any other mechanisms which alter the design, original configuration, or website contents.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. adverts or adverts from third party advertisers which are considered to be of interest shall be placed on the website.
Without prejudice to the terms established in the Privacy Policy, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. commits to not sharing customers’ personal data with advertisers. We may however share anonymous statistics regarding webpage use, with the aim of improving the service and offering products which fulfil customers’ expectations.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. wishes to inform customers that advertisers and suppliers may be able to obtain customers’ data, including their use of services and movements through the network, through the use of cookies. In order to separate itself from association with the uses that advertising companies may make of this data, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. shall not be held liable for the collection of data on the part of said companies.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. may use cookies when a user browses on its websites. The cookies that may be used on EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. webpages are related solely to the browser of a specific computer (an anonymous user), and do not themselves disclose any of the user’s personal data. These cookies only serve internal functions, such as collecting website access statistics.The cookies used cannot read cookie archives created by other providers or websites. The user may configure their browser to notify them when cookies are being received and to prevent these cookies from being saved onto their hard-drive. Please consult your browser’s instructions and manuals for further information. In order to use the site, the user is not required to enable cookies sent by EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L.
To view our complete cookie policy click here
This website adheres to the ‘Ley Orgánica’ (Spanish law) 15/1999 of the 13th of December, regarding the Protection of Personal Data [Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (L.O.P.D)] and its implementing regulation, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of the 21st of December (R.D.L.O.P.D.), thus maintaining a privacy policy over personal data and its use by EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L.
User responsibilities
The user must commit to using the website’s services in accordance with the terms expressed in the present Legal Notice and is responsible for its proper use.
Any user who acts contrary to the image, good name or reputation of EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L., as well anyone who illicitly or falsely uses the logos or contents of the website and/or acts in any way against the intellectual and industrial property rights of the website or its contents and services, shall be held liable for their actions by EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L.
Responsibilities of EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L.
Improper use:
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. has created the website in order to promote its products and/or services, but is unable to control the use of its website in any way different to that anticipated in this Legal Notice; On account of this, the access and proper use of the information contained on the website are the responsibility of the user. EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. is not to be held liable for improper, illicit or negligent use which the user may make of the site.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. publishes all content on its website strictly on the condition of good faith, and will attempt, to the extent possible, to ensure that said content is updated and relevant; However, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. cannot assume any responsibility regarding use or access outside of the scope for which the website is intended. In such cases, the user will be held liable. Furthermore, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. does not hold control over content which has not been created by them or by third parties under their employment. Consequently, we shall not be liable for any cases of damage, content or technicalfailures which may be caused by external parties.
The prices published on this website include V.A.T
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. adverts or adverts from third party advertisers shall be placed on the website in order to promote products or services which may be of interest to users. However, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. cannot control the appearance, quality or relevance of the products or services advertised. Consequently, we shall not be liable for any damages which may occur from factors attributed to third party advertisers.
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. commits to applying, to the extent possible, the necessary measures to ensure the absence of viruses, computer worms, Trojans and spam etc. on the website. However, these measures are not 100% fool proof, and EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. cannot completely guarantee the absence of these undesired elements. Consequently, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. shall not be held liable for any damage which the aforementioned elements may incur.
Technical failures:
EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. implements the necessary measures to maintain the continuity of this website and strives to ensure that it does not suffer from any interruptions. However, the complete absence of technical faults cannot be guaranteed, neither can the permanent availability of the website and its services. Consequently, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. shall not be held liable for any damages which may occur from the lack of availability or access failure due to disconnections, breakdowns, overloading or network failure, for which they are not responsible.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
In the event of dispute or conflict regarding the interpretation of the terms established in this Legal Notice, the Applicable Law shall be Spanish law. This is also the case for any issues regarding the present website’s services.
For the resolution of any conflict which may arise from visiting the website, EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L. and the user agree to submit to the commercial court of ASTURIAS.
Customers who provide their data on the webpage.
In compliance with the aforementioned ‘Ley Organica’ regarding the Protection of Personal Data(L.O.P.D. y R.D.L.O.P.D.), personal data collected through the website by forms or email links shall be saved in appropriate files and used for: managing potential customers, contacts and for commercial communication.
Finally, data will be stored in the company’s archives for commercial follow-up purposes and in order to keep customers informed of services and products which may be of interest to them. This shall be done by post, email, telephone or any other electronic means which have been specified by the customer.
To exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or objection in connection with your personal data as laid down in the aforementioned Act, you may write to EL FONTÁN RESTAURACIÓN 1973 S.L., providing a photocopy or your identification in order to prove your identity. The reference ‘Data Protection/Protección de Datos’ should be included on the envelope, and sent to Plaza Daoíz Y Velarde Nº 1, 33.009 Oviedo (Asturias, Spain).